Cacao & Spirit Invocation: A Night Between Worlds - product image
Saturday, November 2, 6pm

Cacao & Spirit Invocation: A Night Between Worlds

Join Asha at Deadwicks for a transformative evening of spirit connection and heart-opening ceremony on the night of Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), November 2nd, when the veil between worlds is said to be at its thinnest. This is a sacred time for honoring ancestors and loved ones, allowing their presence to be felt and their guidance to be received.

Many cultures that celebrate Día de los Muertos, view this night as a positive, reverent time to commune with those who have passed. We will begin with a brief history of this mythos, offering insight into the tradition of honoring spirits when they are closest to the physical world.

Participants are encouraged to bring a small item or photo of a loved one or ancestor they wish to honor. These tokens will serve as focal points for our ceremony.

We will share ceremonial-grade cacao, a sacred plant medicine long used by indigenous cultures for its heart-opening properties. The cacao spirit invites us to open ourselves to the divine connection between the living and the departed, offering a bridge of love and understanding.

Following this, Asha will offer individual mini-readings, channeling the energies of your loved ones in brief yet intimate moments of connection. To close, we will join together in a collective drumming and song ritual, raising the vibration and anchoring the presence of our beloved ancestors.

Asha is a psychic medium who focuses on channeling messages from your guides, loved ones in spirit, and inner-most self to help move you towards your purpose in life and remind you of your own magic. Her spiritual roots and shared traditions pull from that of the Cherokee Indian and shamanic practices of Eastern Europe. She is also a certified Reiki practitioner and Hellenistic astrologer whose work is deeply rooted in psychic ability, depth psychology, spiritual herbalism, and energy healing. These lenses help you connect to, nurture, and gain a better understanding of your whole self. Ashas work with past lives, meditation, dream analysis, and the signatures in your natal chart provide great adjunctive tools to bring into a therapeutic setting or to simply re-ignite clarity and confidence amidst big life transitions.

